I’m really fucking sad
I saw Florence and The Machine this summer and at the top of the show, Florence Nightingale grabbed the mic to say hello to the huge crowd at the Budweiser stage. She shouted “You're here for the High As Hope tour, but I have to admit that I’m really sad Toronto. I know you came for hope and love, but I have to be honest with you about how I’m feeling— and I’m really fucking sad.”
The audience erupted. She was still just as magical as always, but she refused to put up a front for us, she wouldn't filter her emotions to make us more comfortable. She chose to be honest with a room of thousands of people, and it felt so damn real.
Sometimes you have to just feel your feelings. You have to explore the depths of the emotion you’re experiencing instead of trying to think it away. You have to be authentically human about it. Sometimes you have to get on the mic and tell the truth.
Because smiling with your teeth clenched isn’t smiling at all.
You deserve to give yourself space to recognize what your emotions are trying to tell you. They have a message for you, but when we numb it away the truth gets foggy. We don't realize we need a break, or to have a hard conversation, or to make a change. When we allow ourselves to feel, we can uncover our path forward. Sit with how you feel today and write down what you learn.
Just a reminder, whatever you're going through, you're going to get through, darling. That is for damn sure.